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Various Illustrations (2023)

These are a series of various illustrations I've done over the year 2023. Like the previous year, they are too small to be showcased as standalone but they are worth showcasing nonetheless. These are drawings drawn in photoshop and traditional pen and paper. I hope you enjoy the art.

Various Illustrations (2022)

These are a series of various illustrations I've done over the year 2022. They are too small to be showcased as standalone but they are worth showcasing nonetheless. These are drawings drawn in photoshop and traditional pen and paper. I hope you enjoy the art.

Composite 2.png


This is a project I love. It's a poster I made for my film when I finished all the animation to my film a month early. My thought process for this poster was "sell it like an action movie." Fun fact, I originally wanted this film to be more of a psychological thriller, however the initial action sequence I drafted received so much positive feedback that I went ahead and took it the action-thriller route. The names you see listed at the bottom are real people who have helped me out. I am forever grateful to have had them on my team.


Zombie Concepts (2022)

Showcased here are illustrations of various zombie drawings I made for my Zombies in Pop Culture class over January sub-session of my senior year at Columbia College Chicago. I was looking to draw zombies that were dark, gritty, but still had a level of humor to them. These drawings were great anatomy practice as well as great practice for my clean up capabilities.

Tax Collectors from 2005

Tax Collectors From 2005 (2-Page Comic, 2021)

This is Tax Collectors From 2005, a 2-page comic I drew for my cartooning class my senior year at Columbia College Chicago. It centers around Janie and Hector, two tax collectors from the future year of 2005 who go around employing persuasive methods to encourage people to pay their taxes. I had barrels of fun writing the script and it was a great way for me to experiment with black shading and line art weight, two things I haven't had the opportunity to try through my work as an animation student. I hope you have a good laugh reading it and I apologize to any Canadians reading. You'll be pleased to know no actual Canadians were harmed in the making of this comic


Blazer: Proof of Concept Mood Boards 2021

These were 3 illustrations I had developed while trying to get the atmosphere of my film Blazer: Proof of Concept.

I knew right from the beginning I wanted the characters from Dan and Ray's web-comic to look like they came right out of their comic world. I would later make use of compositing techniques to help exaggerate the contrast between the comic characters and the real-life characters. I knew right off the bat it was going to be an ambitious project, as it's an action film these boards like I was approaching a live action film.

© 2023 by Anthony Kolodziej

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